Yamaha YFZ450 YFZ 450 TITANIUM Head Fix Kibblewhite Intake Exhaust Valves Seals
Kibblewhite Performance OEM Size Tensilite® Titanium Replacement Valves (All 5)
The Best On The Market!
Fits Yamaha YFZ450 Carb Models
Years 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Kibblewhite Tensilite® Titanium Valve Set (All 5)
Kibblewhite One Piece Valves
Kibblewhite Red Viton Valve Stem Seals
Direct OEM Replacement
Better than OEM For A Lot Less Money!
Yamaha® YFZ™ 450 2004-2009
Yamaha® YFZ™ 450X 2008-2011
Yamaha® YFZ™ 450R 2009-2023
Yamaha® YFZ™ 450SE 2010-2023
Yamaha® WR™ 450 2003-2015
Yamaha® YZ™ 450F 2003-2009
• Dimensionally identical to OEM valves while offering many advantages
• One piece forged titanium and EV8-SS alloys offer uninterrupted grain flow
• Superior tensile strength and stability at and above operating temperatures
• Every surface either fully CNC machined or ground
• Super-finished stem allowing for Formula 1 level coating consistency
• 100% (PVD) Chromium Nitride (CrN) coated
• Material and workmanship that creates outstanding durability and performance
• Competitive pricing allowing for a value-conscious rebuild